Instrument making

My years as a master violin maker in one of the most renowned violin shops for handcrafted instruments in Paris gave me the opportunity to study on more than a dozen historic significant instruments from Stradivari, Guarneri, Bergonzi, ...

This gave me the rare chance to learn and understand that it is the small details in the craftsmanship of Strad and his teacher Amati that makes the significant difference in the sound opportunities created through their one of a kind understanding for the static construction of the instrument.

The quality and strength of the sound in combination with the variety of color and dynamic range are the result of the unique understanding in how to harmoniously combine form, statics and elasticity with the material, beauty and the musician for whom the instrument is intended.

Being myself a long time violin and viola player and the opportunity to have played many of the original instruments play a key role for my work. With the understanding of the two fields - being a musician and being a master craftsman(woman) - I am proud to offer to you replicas in sound and look of these historic significant instruments.



BGV Magazin: Die Geigenbauerin
Campus TV: Die Kunst des Geigenbaus
Verband deutscher Unternehmerinnen (VDU): Musik liegt in der Luft